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Baoji Baissde and Chengdu Changhui Agency

aoji Baishide Control Technology Co., Ltd. and Chengdu Changhui Automation Control System Co., Ltd. have successfully signed a contract with Sichuan General Agent. Chengdu Changhui Automation Control Co., Ltd. is the first-level agent of Baoji Baishide Control Technology Co., Ltd. in Sichuan. After mutual inspection and study, technical exchanges, Chengdu Changhui Gong Our company's product quality, product performance detailed understanding in October 21, 2014 formally signed the agency agreement.

佳木斯市| 庆元县| 娱乐| 嘉义市| 巫山县| 惠来县| 龙口市| 常熟市| 平乡县| 华坪县| 永新县| 岢岚县| 龙口市| 福泉市| 葫芦岛市| 平南县| 侯马市| 枣强县| 宁都县| 浠水县| 家居| 安康市| 乐都县| 专栏| 钦州市| 揭阳市| 宁阳县| 商河县| 沛县| 平安县| 靖边县| 叙永县| 浮山县| 嘉义市| 长沙市| 龙井市| 五峰| 靖宇县| 镇雄县| 阜平县| 南京市|